Thursday, March 20, 2008
Last Night
Have you ever had one of those nights that is just not right but funny as hell when you think about it? Last night was one of those nights for me. I couldn't sleep anyway so decided the best thing to do was to stay in the living room watching what ever I could find that was interesting on to watch till I finally started to fall asleep on the couch so I wouldn't keep my boyfriend awake as he had to get up early for work this morning. And the best thing I could find to watch was a horror movie that Clint had been trying to get me to watch for a while now. For me not sleeping well is normal as I suffer from PT SD. By the time I finally got to bed it was 2:36 am and I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open very far so off to bed I went and I lied there in bed for about 30 minutes until I finally fell asleep.
Well at 5:34 am My daughter who is only 2 years old woke up and was just screaming like there was no tomorrow. My boyfriend had already gotten up to check on her by the time I heard her so I thought to myself "OK Clint's got her I'll just lay here and see if every things going to be alright first since he had to be up shortly anyway. Then I finally heard my poor baby girl say "Daddy I pooped my butt" and she kept repeating it over and over. That's not a normal thing for her as she has been potty trained for over a year and has NEVER liked having a messy bottom. So Clint comes into the bedroom and wiggles my toes to wake me up ( which I was just barely getting to the point I could open my eyes more than an inch) and says "Baby I think you better deal with this one. Paige is crying for you". So off to the bathroom I go to see how bad the mess is and it was bad. My poor little Miss had one heck of a mess on her so I cleaned her up and put her back in bed after giving her some medicine for her tummy so maybe she could sleep a little bit longer before her brother ( my 6 year old son who is Home schooled) woke up and decided it was time for her to get up to play. Once she was clean and back in bed I went back to bed myself since I was still extremely tired.
Now by this time it's about 6 am,Clint is in bed snoring away and hes has another hour till he has to get up, and I could hear my daughter singing to herself (which is normal for her, she likes to sing) and I closed my eyes thinking she'll be asleep in no time. Then, just as I start to drift off back to sleep, the thoughts of that movie I had watched popped into my head.
At first I was alright until I heard noises out side my bedroom window. We live on the second floor of our apartment building and our bedrooms face the parking lot so we always hear people and cars outside no big deal normally, but as I was laying there and the noise started I didn't think it was so normal. It sounded almost like a scraping sound which, yeah on occasion we will hear kids with their skateboards on their way to the gas station up the road from the bus stop for junk before school, so it can be a normal thing here. To my tired wore out mind it sounded more like that thing with a really HUGE from the Silent Hill movie coming for us and that was all she wrote for me I was up and out of bed in the blink of an eye and I grabbed my daughter from her room since she was still up to come with me into the living room to watch some cartoons till I could go back to sleep and she could too after her little ordeal ( poor baby was mortified that she had "pooped her butt").
So her and I were laying on the couch for about five seconds when she tells me "mommy I pooping" and she had that look on her face like "if we don't get there now I'm going right here" so we ran to the bathroom and got her on her potty and here comes Clint from our room and I thought we had woke him up running to the bathroom. It's now 6:15 am ( not much time had passed since I lied down after cleaning her up and my nightmarish thoughts got me out of bed) so I asked him if we had woke him up to which he replied that his stomach was hurting really bad also. So i left the 2 of them in the bathroom so they could go to the bathroom and I sat back on the couch till they were done with the can of air freshener in my hands so Clint could spray in there when they were done. As I was sitting there I heard a knock on our living room window and I about peed my pants it scared me so bad. Clint came out of the bathroom about that time and saw the look of terror on my face and began laughing at me since he had no idea at all that I had watched that movie and asked me if I was alright. Which I replied to him with a "HELL NO I"M NOT ALRIGHT" look on my face and he busted out laughing all that much more. Come to find out the wind that we did have at 6:20 this morning had blown just hard enough for one of the tree branches on the tree by our living room window to hit very lightly on it sounding like a knock. Clint stayed awake till it was time for him to leave after all of that since it was so close to the time he needed to be up this morning and I was able to fall asleep on the couch for about an hour just as the sun was coming up. Paige finally was able to get back to sleep herself after some warm milk and a tummy rub to make the hurt ease up for a little bit (funny how that works with kids and pets)and she slept till 11:30 before she was up and somewhat mobile for they day.
After I had calmed down some from my imagination running away with me I had to laugh since it was funny as hell including Paige's reaction to her dilemma in the early morning hours. No wonder Clint was laughing at me, had I been the one to see a look of terror on his face that early in the morning not knowing why I would have laughed too. I guess that sometimes even when we don't think a simple thing like a fictional movie can scare us our subconscious steps in to say "Oh yeah.... watch this..." as its laughing at us as well.
Its one of those things, that if you have never experienced it yourself, you may have had to have been there to find it funny like I did after the fact. But I hope you enjoyed the read. Now its time for me to try and go to bed again and I hope this helped to rid myself of those terrifying thoughts tonight lol.
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